【實用工具app】Cloud Manager|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Cloud Manager|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Cloud Manager-APP點子

Cloud Manager is a simple, yet powerful tool to manage hybrid IaaS clouds (public and private) from your Android-powered device. With a simple user interface you can control your virtual machine instances accross multiple accounts, providers and products. You can list your instances, get detailed information about an instance, launch new instances or start, stop, reboot and destroy instances. Moreover it is possible to monitor the services (opened TCP/IP network ports) which are provided by an instance.

The following cloud providers and products are currently supported by Cloud Manager:

- Amazon EC2

- Aruba cloud.it

- Eucalyptus

- GoGrid

【免費工具App】Cloud Manager-APP點子

- HP Cloud

- IBM SmartCloud

- OpenNebula

- OpenStack

- Rackspace Cloud Servers

【免費工具App】Cloud Manager-APP點子

- RHEV-M / oVirt

- RimuHosting

- ServerExpress

- Terremark vCloud Express

- VMware vSphere

Please keep in mind that if you are connecting to a private cloud your api endpoint has to be accessible by a public ip address.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions you may have or if anything does not run smoothly:


【免費工具App】Cloud Manager-APP點子


【免費工具App】Cloud Manager-APP點子

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免費玩Cloud Manager App

Cloud Manager APP LOGO

Cloud Manager LOGO-APP點子

Cloud Manager APP QRCode

Cloud Manager QRCode-APP點子
Google Play