【實用交通運輸app】Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto|最夯免費app

【實用交通運輸app】Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto|最夯免費app


【免費交通運輸App】Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto-APP點子

Associated Toronto Taxi-Cab Co-operative Limited, (A.T.T.C.L.), more popularly known as Co-op Cabs and Crown Taxi is a leading provider of Taxi services in Toronto, Ontario Canada. We are pleased to offer our valued clients the very latest in smartphone booking technology with our free Co-op/Crown Taxi Hail application.

Key Features of the Co-op Crown Taxi Hail application include:

• Book a reservation in as few as 3 clicks

• Get a fare estimate by entering both pickup and destination addresses

• Receive a confirmation number for your reservation immediately on booking

• Receive notifications including vehicle number once your reservation has been dispatched

• Monitor the progress of your vehicle on a map

• Create a list of favorite addresses and assign a custom name for each

• Specify the number of passengers, vehicle type and preferred payment method

【免費交通運輸App】Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto-APP點子

• Review all reservations you have made over the past 30 days

• Provide feedback related to the application and/or service you received

• Call Co-op/Crown with the push of a button

To begin using the Co-op/Crown Taxi Hail application today:

• Download the free app

• Create an account (Email, Name, Phone # and Password)

• Validate your account (via the confirmation email you receive)

• Login to the app (Email & Password)

• Enter your pickup address

【免費交通運輸App】Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto-APP點子

• Enter your destination address (this allows us to provide an estimated fare amount)

• Book your trip (reservations can be immediate or for a future time/date)

On booking a reservation, you will immediately receive a confirmation number, along with an update when your vehicle has been assigned. From here you can monitor the progress of your vehicle as it moves towards your pickup location.

The Co-op/Crown Taxi Hail application retains a history of your previous reservations (up to 30 days) for expense management and to quickly re-book the same trip with the push of a button. You may also create a list of favorite locations (Home, Work, etc.) to speed the booking process.

You can also customize your orders by selecting the number of passengers, preferred vehicle type, and preferred method of payment. These preferences can be saved to your account profile for future bookings.

At Associated Toronto Taxi-Cab Co-operative Limited, (A.T.T.C.L.), your comfort and safety are our top priorities! Let us know how we can serve you better by providing feedback via the Co-op/Crown Taxi Hail application or by calling 416-504-4016 x243.

We look forward to adding many exciting new features to the Co-op/Crown Taxi Hail application in the months ahead, and are always interested in what you have to say!

【免費交通運輸App】Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto-APP點子

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免費玩Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto App

Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto APP LOGO

Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto LOGO-APP點子

Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto APP QRCode

Co-op Cabs/Crown Taxi Toronto QRCode-APP點子
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