【實用策略app】Combat Monsters|最夯免費app

【實用策略app】Combat Monsters|最夯免費app


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Imagine a collectible card game that has an army of full 3D fantasy monsters fighting in a real environment, then add all the trickery you'd expect from Magic: The Gathering and you get to Combat Monsters. As one reviewer said, "this is the game that Hearthstone should have been."

More, it's FREE to play and unlike most "free" games, it really is actually FREE. Play with no adverts, no timers, no paywalls, just gameplay.

AppsZoom - 91% - "An outstanding fantasy tactics game"

Build your dream battle deck from the many hundreds of available cards, pick a hero and enter the arena. Deploy your monsters to good advantage then buff them with magical spells and equipment. Strategize and fight, and when the time is right overwhelm your hapless foes and grab the loot.

AppStoreArcade - 90% - "I wish that there were more hours in the day so I could play more Combat Monsters."

There are many different races of Combat Monsters, each with their own special horde of warriors, mages and archers. Each race has a racial bonus that has a big effect on how you round out your deck, so plan well - inifinite strategic choices await.

Magic:The Gathering meets Battle Chess in one hell of a game" -TechRaptor.net

In a true RPG style, every Combat Monster has a basic attack move and most of them also have an additional activated special ability, along with various power and defence stats that can be modified by equipping and armoring and playing runes and spells.

PixelVolt - 90% - "Amazing"

There is an engaging and long lasting single player campaign, plus a skirmish mode that adds infinite replayability. Get more cards by winning matches and opening packs, or you can trade single cards with other players. Use those cards to make different deck styles and do it all again and again.

GameWoof - 90% - "Rubicon knocks it out of the park again with this title."

Want multiplayer? We got you covered there too, with both realtime and asynchronous play options. A full matchmaking system keeps it fair and provides a perfect level of challenge for all ability levels and card collection sizes.

Download for free today and see what your Android was made for - hope to see you in the arena soon!...

Why not join our busy forum for play tips, help, replays, tournaments and pleasant chat?


【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

【免費策略App】Combat Monsters-APP點子

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