



Finally a comic reader for iPad done right! ComicFlow was designed with one goal in mind: providing the best experience for comic fans with large collections.Features:- Polished interface- Can handle very large comic collections (1,500+ comics and dozens of GB) without crashing or becoming unusable- Imports new comics in the background- Doesn't need to pre-process comic files before you can read them- Supports .cbr, .cbz and pdf filesImporting Comics - iTunes with USB cable:- Connect your iPad to your computer and launch iTunes- In the Applications section, select ComicFlow in the list at the bottom- Drag and drop comic files into the Documents area- If ComicFlow is already running, display the settings window (upper-right button) and tap on "Update Library"Importing Comics - Web Server over WiFi (In-App purchase required for unlimited use):- Make sure your iPad and computer are on the same WiFi network- Launch ComicFlow- Display the settings window (upper-right button) and set the Web Server setting to "Website" mode- Open the provided URL in a web browser on your computer- To upload comics as part of series, first create a folder then upload the comic files into itInstead of a web browser, if you prefer to use a WebDAV client (e.g. Transmit or ForkLift for Mac or CyberDuck for Mac / Windows), set the Web Server setting to "WebDAV" mode and connect the client to the provided URL.Deleting or changing a comic or series status:- Tap and hold on a comic thumbnail or a series thumbnail- Choose the appropriate option in the pop-up menu that appearsComicFlow is also the first (and only?) open-source comic reader for iPad: get the full source from https://github.com/swisspol/ComicFlow under GPL v3 license.Looking for free public domain comics? Check out http://digitalcomicmuseum.com!





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《孤星傳》為古龍早期作品,連載於1960年至1963年。作品男主角裴玨,幼遭孤露,其父親與叔叔於押鑣時為幪面客劫走寶物碧玉蟾蜍,其他鏢局亦不能倖免,形成京城「飛龍鏢局」一支獨大。飛龍鏢局總鏢頭檀明收養所有遭幪面客殺害的遺孤。此亦為本篇小說得名由來。裴玨與檀明女兒檀文琪相戀,卻遭檀明多方阻撓。檀明甚至 …

《情人箭》為古龍1963-1964年作品,為古龍早期長篇小說。本書風格及構思與稍後的長篇作品《浣花洗劍錄》、《名劍風流》、《武林外史》及《絕代雙驕》等接近,雖有不及,仍有斧鑿痕,惟已超脫早期之作,自成一家。由中短篇至長篇,亦為漸趨成熟表現。至於1968年後「楚留香系列」及「陸小鳳傳奇」等作,又邁向中 …

《瀚海雄風》一書於1968年3月15日至1970年1月21日連載於「大公報‧小說林」版。台版更名為《大漠騰龍記》,回目只為單句,與港版用聯語者不同。本書一如梁羽生大部分著作,有真實的歷史背景,以虛構的人物穿插交互成章。本書的歷史背景是南宋、金國及蒙古三國並立時代。少林弟子李思南學成下山,受母親囑咐, …

《血鸚鵡》為古龍晚期作品,1974年10月南琪出版,附在《多情環》書後。連載中途棄筆,自第五章中段由黃鷹代筆,之後黃鷹再完成了五部類似作品合併出版為《驚魂六記》,因大部分為黃鷹代筆,多列為黃鷹作品。古龍曾說:「你看過了驚魂六記之後,你才知道原來文字表達的恐怖,比電視、音響所表達的更恐怖。」----- …