【實用購物app】ComplainApp - consumer help|最夯免費app

【實用購物app】ComplainApp - consumer help|最夯免費app


【免費購物App】ComplainApp - consumer help-APP點子

Complain App helps you submit complaints to businesses instantly!

*** ComplainApp is Recommended on CNET:

【免費購物App】ComplainApp - consumer help-APP點子


When you have a complaint about a company, most people find that contacting it via social networks is the fastest way to get your complaint resolved. Complain App (pat. pend) helps you write effective complaints and quickly submit them companies over multiple social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn.

But it doesn't end there - we don't stop until your complaint is resolved!

Complain App:

【免費購物App】ComplainApp - consumer help-APP點子

* helps you write great, effective complaints

* submit complaints to the right address, via multiple social networks -- in one click

【免費購物App】ComplainApp - consumer help-APP點子

* tracks responses and notifies you when they arrive

* re-sends your complaint until it's answered

【免費購物App】ComplainApp - consumer help-APP點子

* reminds you to follow up

* connects you to people who have similar complaints

【免費購物App】ComplainApp - consumer help-APP點子

* harnesses the power of the group to get results!

Use ComplainApp for Android when you’re out at a shop, at the airport or just mad at your cable company. It's easy to use, so you can get the complaint off your chest quickly and move on with the rest of your day.

How do we submit complaints?

First - you control your complaint, and you decide how it's submitted. We recommend that you start with social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, where companies answer fastest. If that doesn't work, we keep pursuing your claim until you get results.

So, next time you have a complaint, don't just whine to your friends - use ComplainApp to let the business know what's gone wrong!

Keywords: complaint, gripe, complain, service, customer service, customer, support, help, airline, cable company, Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Delta

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ComplainApp - consumer help APP LOGO

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ComplainApp - consumer help APP QRCode

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Google Play


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