【實用教育app】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module-APP點子

The Complete Teacher is a computer-based system for delivering training in the praxis of teaching. It is designed around a complex clinical training model, which views the teacher as actor, developer, professional, manager, salesperson, subject expert, and writer. The MANAGING ROLE module may be used alone, to deliver needed managing skills, or together with other modules to provide the training needed for the development of the "complete teaching professional." Modules are delivered in interactive format. Learning is performance-based and evaluation is criterion-referenced.Great teachers are also good MANAGERS! Teachers who can effectively demonstrate managing skills, whether consciously or unconsciously, appear to be some our better teachers. We have identified close to a hundred management-related tasks that you will probably have to deal with as a classroom teacher. Use the MANAGING ROLE module to hone the managing techniques that are associated with good teaching practice. Skills for planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and coordinating are developed with the help of this professional development module.

【免費教育App】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module-APP點子

【免費教育App】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module-APP點子

【免費教育App】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module-APP點子

【免費教育App】Complete Teacher: Managing Role Module-APP點子

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