【實用生活app】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

“Brilliant,!!! We love cookies. I like them crispy, my kids like them chewy, and hubby loves them thick!!!!! And now a solution – Cookulus!!!!!!

-AtlcookieFan, App Store review

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

Cookulus (rhymes with calculus): Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie provides more than 5200 unique chocolate chip cookie recipes with the touch of a finger. Set exactly how you want your cookies to be by moving the sliders on the modulator and ingredient amounts shift, the oven temperature rises or lowers, and the cooking time lengthens and shortens. You choose whether your cookies are soft, crispy, chewy, thick, with nuts or without, decadently chocolate, or wholesomely whole wheat. However you like your chocolate chip cookies, Cookulus makes it easy to make it your way with adjustable recipes to fit your taste, your mood, or any occasion. Cookulus may be the most revolutionary development in cooking since the measuring cup!

“Awesome and ingenious app!”

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

-Michael Ruhlman

Award winning cookbook author; creator of Ratio and Bread Baking Basics

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

At Cookulus we don’t just deliver delicious recipes for chocolate chip cookies we give you an insider’s view of how food works. The patent-pending algorithm embedded in each Cookulus recipe automates kitchen expertise, manipulating ingredients and cooking methods to meet your specifications. As you see what’s happening on the screen you get a peak of what’s going on inside the head of a professional chef. Using Cookulus just might make you a better cook.

“When I went for something pretty soft and chewy but a little thin, and made the recipe, that's exactly what I got…. Cookulus is an addictively powerful (or is it powerfully addictive?) way to geek out on a recipe. But even better, it works like a charm.”

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

- Joe Yonan, Food Editor

The Washington Post

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

Here’s what’s inside:

• Four adjustable master chocolate chip cookie recipes – Classic, Chocolate, Walnut, and Whole Wheat - over 5200 unique recipes

• The modulator – move slider bars to instantly adjust your cookie’s qualities

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

• Kitchen timer - set the cooking time as you dial up your preferences

• Yield adjuster – make your chosen number of cookies with automatically calculated ingredient amounts

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

• Recipe library – experiment with master recipes and save your favorites settings (saving available on iPad only)

• Flexible measurements – choose to list ingredients by ounces, grams, cups, or any combination

• Knowledge base – find in-depth facts about ingredients, equipment, and techniques

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

• Sharing – send saved recipes instantly to friends

【免費生活App】Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie-APP點子

免費玩Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie APP玩免費

免費玩Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie App

Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie APP LOGO

Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie LOGO-APP點子

Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie APP QRCode

Cookulus: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store



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