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【實用遊戲app】Cool Games!|最夯免費app


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We include our best games in this awesome pack. It's just 0.99$ for 8 games, i.e. 0.12$ per game!************************************ Air Battle: 2012Air Battle: 2012 is a Classic Shoot Em Up arcade action game with action packed gameplay and awesome graphics. Discover this fast paced shoot em up action game with hours, even days of fun.Your mission is clear - defeat all enemy fighters before they can destroy you. The graphics are modeled after some of the highest performance planes in military units around the world.Features:* 6 modern fighters (4 for enemies and 2 for your choice),* 3 types of bonuses - you can repair your fighter, get bonus scores and more!* 2 game modes,* Many hours of explosive fun!************************************ Death Race: HalloweenAre you waiting for Halloween? )) Do you really like CARS, GUNS and EXPOSIVE FUN? Then this game is for you.Lock and load and enter the Death Race, humiliate and destroy your opponents! Feel the thrill of racing like never before in this newest adrenaline-pumping 2D racing game!************************************ !Aero Lines!Dear player, Welcome to the world of !Aero Lines! This world includes best of Tetrix, Lines and other puzzle games. If you like such classic games, !Aero Lines! is your choice. We attempted to merge rules of Tetrix and Lines and the result is awesome.Features: * Classic 3-match game for Tetrix and Lines fans. * Ease to use user interface. * Records system.************************************ Angry Ninja JumpAll dragons on the Earth were dead. Well they are, but now they're back! You are the last survivor… Likely you are ninja and your ability to jump higher and higher is unbelievable. Try to escape from angry dragons! And of course good luck…you're gonna need it!************************************ Amazing Dress Up!Find your inner fashionista - create new looks and styles for your modelsAll images in this game are hand-drawn by professional children painter in order to expand your child vision of art through the game. Take a look on screenshots - there are no insensitive pictures which are so similar to the photos. Your child will use his imagination playing this game.************************************ Math for Children (3-6 ages)Math For Children (3-6 ages) allows your child to build fundamental math skills while they are endlessly entertained. Your child will count, add and subtract numbers from 1 to 9. Beautiful game character (purple Annie) will invent various puzzles and your child will have to choose the right number and feed this number to purple Annie. If the answer is right, purple Annie will be happy and will invent new puzzle for your child. If the answer is wrong, purple Annie will be sad but your child can take another number and feed this new number to purple Annie again.Ideal eduсational game for ages 3 to 6.************************************ One More LifeThe best way to experience John Conway's Game of Life. The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.This "game" is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves.************************************ Guess the Star: Fun EditionIn this game we have taken some photos of popular movie stars and had some fun with them, can you guess who they are? Enjoy!Buying this pack you get eight great games for the price of one.

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