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The Cow Calf Today (CCT) App was designed to be the number one news and education source for cow calf and cattle producers around the globe. Stay up to date with the latest commentary, articles, market reports, producer and consumer news, beef recipes & cooking tips. This is the APP to access at work, at night or in line at the grocery store.EducationExpand your knowledge on the worldwide beef industry on a daily basis. The CCT covers the top 20 beef producing countries in the world as well as the top 40 states in the U.S. Learn about production and breeds from other countries as well as beef cuts and dishes.Market ReportsThe CCT keeps you up to date with the latest market reports including: Prices, Exports, Production, Imports, Cattle on Feed, WASDE, Retail Beef Prices, and much more.Cow Calf LibraryThe CCT has an extensive Cow Calf Library with hundreds of articles covering topics including: animal health, markets, reproduction, breeding, etc.

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