【實用紙牌app】Crazy Eights|最夯免費app

【實用紙牌app】Crazy Eights|最夯免費app


【免費紙牌App】Crazy Eights-APP點子

Crazy Eights is the well-known card game that absolutely everyone has played before!

Crazy Eights is 100% free game. There is no pop-up or full screen ads. There is no stupid in-app purchase as well.

Players discard by matching rank or suit with the top card of the discard pile, starting with the player left of the dealer. If a player is unable to match the rank or suit of the top card of the discard pile and does not have an eight, he

draws one card from the stockpile. If he has a card he can play it otherwise the turn passes to the next player.still doesn't have a card, he passes a turn to a next player. When a player plays an eight, he or she must declare the suit that the next player is to play.

As an example: Once the six of clubs is played the next player can:

【免費紙牌App】Crazy Eights-APP點子

1. play any of the other sixes

2. play any of the clubs

【免費紙牌App】Crazy Eights-APP點子

3. play any eight (must declare the suit)

4. draw from the stockpile


【免費紙牌App】Crazy Eights-APP點子

Points are incurred for any cards left on hand at the end of a round - 25pts for an eight,

10pts for a face card, and face value for a spot card. Game over once looser reaches 100 pts,

【免費紙牌App】Crazy Eights-APP點子

at that point the winner is the one with lowest score.

免費玩Crazy Eights APP玩免費

免費玩Crazy Eights App

Crazy Eights APP LOGO

Crazy Eights LOGO-APP點子

Crazy Eights APP QRCode

Crazy Eights QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play


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