【實用街機app】Crazy Turtle|最夯免費app

【實用街機app】Crazy Turtle|最夯免費app


【免費街機App】Crazy Turtle-APP點子

Get ready to step into Raul’s the crazy turtle’s shoes and play an addictive and engaging adventure – love game!

Raul and Layla are turtles in love going on with their uncomplicated lives till one day the BOSS – a giant turtle with superpowers kidnaps Layla and holds her captive in Tutu Island. Raul is one crazy turtle who would do anything for love and is on a mission to rescue Layla. On his way to Tutu Island he first has to get past the Bosse’s stooges who are really bad ass crocks hungry for blood.


【免費街機App】Crazy Turtle-APP點子

Tap on the screen or press to accelerate and move forward and release to slow down of stop – you have to avoid the crocks and timing is the key. On crossing 100 crocks you get to Tutu island and the next level of action starts

Tips and Tricks

【免費街機App】Crazy Turtle-APP點子

Tact is the key and speed thrills but kills. Tap gently and anticipate the crocks moves or press to accelerate and release to stop. If you want to get to Tutu island the best if to patiently get past one crock at a time

Play for Free

【免費街機App】Crazy Turtle-APP點子

A free games have never been this much fun! It costs you nothing to download and play the game to the end!

Compete with others

【免費街機App】Crazy Turtle-APP點子

See how you fair by checking on the leader-board. Crazy Turtle is a difficult game and getting a high score is achieved through the art of tact and timing

It’s all about love

【免費街機App】Crazy Turtle-APP點子

Crazy Turtle is a love story and it’s up to you to make it a happy or sad ending. If your one of those folks who is willing to do crazy things for love and go the extra mile this game is for you. Don’t give up, keep trying and most of all keep the faith and you will rescue your lady love in the end

The BOSS is King

There is something intriguing about the BOSS that you will discover if you get that far.

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Crazy Turtle APP LOGO

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Crazy Turtle APP QRCode

Crazy Turtle QRCode-APP點子
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