



CrimeReports gives you real-time access to neighborhood level crime and sex offender information. The CrimeReports app is your window into the largest crime mapping and sex offender website in the world. The CrimeReports app gives you access to official crime information for over 1200 participating law enforcement agencies across North America and sex offender data for all 50 US states. As a bonus, if your local police agency is participating, you can sign up for free, automated email crime updates directly from your Apple device.Please note that if your local law enforcement agency is not currently sharing data with CrimeReports, you will only see registered sex offender data. Your agency can partner with CrimeReports for free, so let them know you'd like to see local crime data on CrimeReports. More agencies are joining every day, so please check back often.The CrimeReports app allows you to search the National Crime Map for information about crimes near your home, a relative's home, your child's school, or a work location. Reports are customizable by address, crime type, and date range. All of our crime information comes directly from participating law enforcement agencies, ensuring you get the information you need to keep you and your family safe.Features:Filter crime data by location, date, and crime typeView recent crime down to the neighborhood levelView US sex offender data right along side crime dataSign up for free, automated email crime updates








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