



'CroatiaTouristGuide' helps you explore small but beautiful country Croatia providing detailed informations about Croatia and its destinations. Find cities, islands, lakes, mountains,cultural heritage, hidden beaches etc.Application requires internet connection because data is fetched from central database which is constantly updated with new data (destinations, user reviews, recomendations etc) so you always have latest data without a need to update application or download content to your phone. Currently, application supports two languages - English and Croatian.Browse destinations in Croatia by type (islands, cities, beaches etc), by county, by your current location, search by title or you can check our recomendations or top rated lists. View destination description, find main informations, browse through gallery, or view additional destinations or points of interest related to the selected destination. Add destination to favorites list, send e-mail or make a phone call if you're interested in more information.Read users reviews and find out most interesting destinations for you.For all questions please contact us on e-mail info@croatiatouristguide.net.Application is divided into following categories:About Croatia-Read information about Croatia (description, culture, geographical informations, population, phone code etc)-Croatian-English dictionary-Croatia gallery-Holidays in Croatia-Important phone numbers-Currency converter (EUR, USD, CHF, AUD, HUF...)Destinations-Browse by destination type (beaches & coves, cities, culture, islands, lakes, national park, natural beauty, nature park, small towns, parks, rivers, squares...)-Browse by county-Our recomendations-Top rated destinations-Favorites list-Your reviewsDestination details-description, destination type, county, address, contact (mobile, e-mail), web-add to favorites list, make a phone call, send e-mail, visit web page-gallery-user reviews for destination-map of destination (locations around selected one also shown on map)-related destinations / what to seeMyLocation-locate destinations around youSearchSettings-user data-choose language





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