



Ever been in a different city and needed to find your car? Or the train station? Or your hotel? Needed to find your tent at a festival and just can't work out the right direction to head in? Nobody likes finding themselves walking in circles!CrowFlies eliminates that problem! You can either save your current location before you set off and CrowFlies helpful compass will always point back towards where you have come from. Or simply mark where you would like to go on a map and have the compass show the way, even if you loose internet connection! CrowFlies also let's you know how far away you are from your chosen point.CrowFlies allows you to count your steps, distance travelled and the path you have taken.This is a great app for those that like to explore new places or meet up with friends in public locations. It can also work as a navigation tool to help get home after a jog or a cycle ride to a new place. You can set your compass to use either true north or magnetic north. You are able to save your current location at the press of a button or use the map to save points of interest up to four at a time, with the option of upgrading to unlimited points for a small cost.Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.





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