【實用財經app】Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link ( PRO )|最夯免費app

【實用財經app】Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link ( PRO )|最夯免費app


【免費財經App】Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link ( PRO )-APP點子

This Currency Converter uses Data from IMF.org. - Currencies Algerian Dinar, Argentine Peso, Australian Dollar, Bahrain Dinar, Bolivar Fuerte, Botswana Pula, Brazilian Real, Brunei Dollar, Bulgarian Leva, Canadian Dollar, Chilean Peso, Chinese Yuan, Colombian Peso, Czech Koruna, Danish Krone, EURO, Hungarian Forint, Iceland Krona, Indian Rupee, Indonesian Rupiah, Iranian Rial, Israeli Shekel, Kazakhstani Tenge, Kuwaiti Dinar, Malaysian Ringgit, Mauritian Rupee, Mexican Peso, Nepalese Rupee, New Zealand Dollar, Norwegian Krone, Pakistani Rupee, Peruvian Nuevo Sol, Peso Uruguayo, Philippine Peso, Polish Zloty, Qatari Rial, Russian Ruble, Saudi Riyal, Singapore Dollar, South-African Rand, South-Korean Won, Sri Lanka Rupee, Swedish Krona, Swiss Franc, Thai Baht, Trinidad And Tobago Dollar, Tunisian Dinar, UK Pound, United States Dollar, Utd.Arab.Emir.Dirham, YEN(円). - Update frequency of the IMF's currency exchange data ・Per day once. ・The Updating is run automatically by the automatic program created by RainbowLink Inc.. ・Until the program can get the update file of that day, the program will check automatically the update once an hour from 0:00. - The "Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link" displays 2 types of date and 1 attention text. Because IMF.org doesn't provide all data of currencies stably. Please use (1)or(2) if you trade with others. (1) DATE: The latest data provided by IMF.org. (2) DATE: The previous data provided by IMF.org. (3) DATE: The old data provided by IMF.org. You can save the result as a photo in your iPad Photo Album. - Tap the menu button, and choose "SAVE".

【免費財經App】Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link ( PRO )-APP點子

【免費財經App】Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link ( PRO )-APP點子

【免費財經App】Currency Converter of the Rainbow-Link ( PRO )-APP點子

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