【實用工具app】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

OS 7 Edition - Traffic web cams for commuters in Dallas, TX. Ready to head home and you want to check the traffic? Traffic Cam Dallas is the fastest way to get to the traffic web cams that matter to you. Instead of browsing to a web site and working your way through the menus and map graphics to find a web camera just open MultiCam on your iPhone and go straight to the camera you want with one click. Flick through the other cameras along your route, in order, with a simple Next button.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Should I stay or should I go?

The traffic is slowing to a crawl. Is it going to clear quickly or is it time to bail and find a better route? Open Traffic Cam Dallas, select the nearest camera with one click and then flick through the web cams along your route to see how far the congestion continues.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Touch the Favorite button on any camera page to copy the traffic cameras that matter to you to your Favorites list for faster access. Switch quickly from Show All to Favorites mode. In Favorites Mode the Previous and Next buttons follow the Favorites list.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Traffic Cam Dallas comes pre-loaded with 176 traffic cameras including I-635, IH-35, SH-183, US-67, US-75, IS-30 and IH-20. Use the show / hide button to add or remove highways from the scrolling list. Some cameras may appear in more than one group where routes intersect.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Traffic Cam Dallas does not cover Forth Worth. All traffic cameras in this application are situated East of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Cameras are maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation. Individual cameras may be inoperative due to weather conditions or maintenance requirements.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

If you have a problem and would like it resolved, write to the developer. trafficCamDallas@stanton.net.nz

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Camera Map.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

Scrollable map shows camera locations with selected camera highlighted. In Favorites mode the map shows the location of your Favorite cameras. In Show All mode it shows all cameras. Scroll and zoom to find a camera. Touch a camera pin to switch to a camera view.

【免費工具App】Dallas Traffic Cam +Map-APP點子

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免費玩Dallas Traffic Cam +Map App

Dallas Traffic Cam +Map APP LOGO

Dallas Traffic Cam +Map LOGO-APP點子

Dallas Traffic Cam +Map APP QRCode

Dallas Traffic Cam +Map QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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