【實用書籍app】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich-APP點子

A new exclusive edition of Dante's masterpiece (in Italian), with a selection of readings by actress Francesca Sarah Toich, winning of Lauro Dantesco as best performer of Divine Comedy.A classical annoteBook, complete with interactive maps, reading of the 20 best cantos by a great performer with AirPlay output, ideal for use in lessons and lovers of one of the greatest masterpieces of world literature. The book includes the full Divine Comedy, Hell, Purgatory, Paradise, and it is enriched with several additional resources: the index of names and places, the concept map of three canticas, the full commentary of Niccolò Tommaseo, with over 4,700 footnotes, and the whole collection of the famous engravings of Gustave Doré.Unique in its features:• Original italian text, with the complete commentary of Niccolò Tommaseo and the illustrations of Gustave Doré.• 20 cantos, selected among the most popular, read by actress Francesca Sarah Toich, with high sound quality and AirPlay® output, with the ability of jumping directly to a chosen verse for listening.• Index of books and illustrations.• Personal notes can be written for each verse.• Notes can be saved on a computer/copied from a computer (in this way they can be transferred to another copy of the Comedy). Requires wi-fi connection.• Automatic bookmark: by reopening the application you will be automatically repositioned where you left the reading.• Unlimited annotable bookmarks on single lines.• Word search, with powerful search engine.• In-application e-mail of the of the cantos, also in PDF format, with the option of including the personal annotations.• Additional resources, with index of characters and places and concept map.• Easy reading with a choice of font sizes.• Choice of background page color for reading under different ligth conditions• Verse numbers can be shown or hidden.Please note: The work is only in Italian.

【免費書籍App】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Dante: La Divina Commedia - Reading by F. S. Toich-APP點子

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