【實用書籍app】Davis Map|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Davis Map|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Davis Map-APP點子

*Whether I continue improving Davis Map is entirely dependent on how much feedback I receive. That feedback need not be good or bad, it just needs to show some are interested in seeing Davis Map improve. In other words: reviews will buy my time. I will not consider updating Davis Map until I receive an additional 5 reviews.*What is Davis Map?Davis Map is a location-based wiki for Davis, CA. What is a location-based wiki? A /shared/ editable map. All the information you add to Davis Map is shared with all other users near instantaneously.Why should you care?Because most location information apps kinda suck, especially for hyper-local, fast-changing stuff.Things you can do with Davis Map:+ Search, browse, and filter all location information added by you and other users+ Add new locations with a long press on the map+ Add locations at your current location+ Move existing locations by tapping, holding and moving pins to their desired locations+ Modify existing, or create new, location information using intuitive iOS style forms+ Upload photos of locations for sharing+ View the entire edit history for any location+ Restore any past version of location information+ Up vote locations so that they appear at higher zoom levels+ Sign in with Facebook Connect and compromise nothing -- we do not store or use any of your data, and will not contact you or post to your account+ Change the world*+ Make your mom proud*** Probably not true** She'll never be as proud of you as I am, though!### FAQS ###Why doesn't _______ information appear on Davis Map?Because you haven't entered it yet. -__-Why is _______ information wrong on Davis Map?Because you haven't fixed it yet. -__-Why isn't ______'s operating system supported?I'll consider implementing Davis Map on other platforms when I feel the idea has been validated with prolonged use by the community.Why do I have to log into Facebook to make edits?It's purely a mechanism for me to uniquely identify users, anonymously (your user ID is the only info used and it is SHA-512'd before leaving your device), so that they may be associated with edits, upvotes, etc. 9-11 wasn't an inside job and I don't care about gaining access to your Facebook.I found a bug. How can I tell you about it?Email me by clicking on the support link. Describe the bug in as much detail as you can, and I and all other users will be eternally grateful.

【免費書籍App】Davis Map-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Davis Map-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Davis Map-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Davis Map-APP點子

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