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【實用動作app】Dawn of the Immortals MMO|最夯免費app


【免費動作App】Dawn of the Immortals MMO-APP點子

Dawn of the Immortals is a brand new 3D mobile MMORPG. For the first time, you will enjoy a rich, real-time MMO experience with top-notch graphics directly on your phone or tablet. Blending a steampunk world with colorful characters, jump into a world containing dynamic instanced dungeons, epic boss fights, powerful pets, mounts, and more!

“A True MMO Adventure for Mobile.” (Mario, Italy)

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“Colorful and vibrant monsters and characters bring the world to life.” (Jason, California)

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“Gorgeous art style. Great skill/spell animations. Addicting gameplay.” (Matt, Washington)

Play now on any Android device with Honeycomb or later!


- Play in REAL TIME with your friends

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- Lead your party into dungeon battles

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- Deep pet system with evolutions and skill customization

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- Unique classes and skills

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- An Auction House to sell your items for in-game currency

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- Enhance your armor and weapons to make yourself stronger

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- Mounts

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- Daily login rewards, get items and gifts for playing Dawn of the Immortals each day

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- And more…

Dawn of the Immortals is an epic MMO experience for mobile! Will you join in on the battle for the rift?

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