【實用教育app】DayCare Kids Activity Game|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】DayCare Kids Activity Game|最夯免費app


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DayCare explorer - An educational day care activity game that is thoughtfully planned for little kids imagination. It is recommended for children three to six years old.

DayCare explorer is a game where toddlers and preschoolers can explore life inside a kindergarten, having fun and discovering realistic daily situations in a preschool environment. In this colorful, interactive preschool matching game, little kids get to enjoy and get familiar with numerous preschool daily activities, . We created the game as an open environment so kids could experience things freely, with no rules or restrictions that limit a child’s imagination. Moreover, little kids learn new English vocabulary and new words that are important for their age.

Daycare Explorer helps little kids with:

- Learning activities for preschool kids in a daycare environment

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- Matching activities & puzzles- Kids match play objects with their matching day care sites.

- Pretend play. Educational scenarios prepared for children cognitive skills that help them with nursery scenarios.

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- Preschoolers learn English words of different day care objects such as toys, and utilities.

- Increase child imagination by decorating the day care center.

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- Teaching kids about preschool environment by playing a game about it.


While having fun, kids practice daily kindergarten situations that may help them prepare emotionally and cognitively for preschool life:

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· Playing in the yard with friends

· Saying farewell to parents

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· Comforting a friend in need

· Using the toilet

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· Playing with building blocks

· Preparing the breakfast table

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Day care Explorer is a child safe game


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There is no advertising or personal data collection

We don’t interfere with game play with marketing or inappropriate advertising

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The Game is free to try with an in-app purchase to unlock all game features

Developed with the help of educational psychologists.


Each of the game matching events and elements were created with the consultation of an educational psychologist in order to fit the cognitive abilities and motorical skills of young children. The game was created for both individual and shared play. It can be used by parents, caretakers and even therapists as a tool for preparing a child for preschool or to facilitate communication with a child about his preschool experiences. While playing with a caretaker the child can share experiences and feelings about their own preschool and learn more about how to deal with common everyday situations.


DayCare Explorer: Hug&Dug day care activity games: pretend play, early learning, seek and find, and problem solving for young children. Made for children psychological and developmental growth.



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