【實用書籍app】De-Mystifying Cancer|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】De-Mystifying Cancer|最夯免費app


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*** What You Don't Know About Cancer Could Be Deadly ***

Dear Reader,

By The Time You Are Diagnosed - Will It Be Too Late?

Are you playing Russian Roulette with your health? Do you suspect that you may have cancer but have been ignoring the symptoms hoping they will just go away?

It's hard to believe that people would actually ignore something that important, doesn't it? But it happens. Thousands of people die every day of cancer related illness.

The sad thing is that many of those premature deaths could have been avoided with just a little bit of knowledge and early detection.

The major problem with much of the information about cancer is that it is very general and written in medical jargon that is nearly impossible to decipher. That's where "De-mystifying Cancer" comes in.

"De-mystifying Cancer" has taken all that technical information and broken it down in plain English so that anyone can get answers to their burning questions. Questions like these:

* What is cancer?

* How does it develop?

* What are the major types of cancer?

* What are primary and secondary cancers?

* What are carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemia, lymphomas and adenomas?

* How is your immune system affected by cancer?

* Who gets cancer?

* What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?

* What are the risk factors for cancer?

* How do you diagnose lung cancer in men and women?

* Are you at risk for prostate cancer?

* How can you detect breast cancer in its early stages?

* What imaging processes are used for detecting cancer?

* What are the different types of biopsies?

* Do you know what treatment options are available?

【免費書籍App】De-Mystifying Cancer-APP點子

* Are there alternative treatments and therapies?

And that just scratches the surface. "De-mystifying Cancer" is jam-packed with answers to every question you could possibly have about cancer.

One of the most important things you will find inside is an Action Plan for Coping With a cancer diagnosis. This section will help you:

1. Inform yourself

2. How to choose the right doctor

3. How to communicate with your family members

4. Innovative approaches to treatment

5. Changing your diet

6. How to continue with your normal daily life

Don't put it off any longer. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have cancer and need answers to those burning questions, "De-mystifying Cancer" is just what you need. Don't wait until it's too late. Get your copy now!

=========== Vertex Mind eReader Instruction ==========

* Double tap the page to toggle the screen size.

* Zoom in/out by using thumb and a finger to

pinch open / close on the page.

* Click page to show/hide navigator.

* Click page number button to jump to a specific page.

* Click 'Contents' items to jump to particular chapter.

* Press and slide corner to flip page.

* On the page top edge show the reading process

bar to tell you where did you achieve.

* Please wait for a while for page to focus.

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