



The origin of this game is unknown, and the name of it is not particularly pretty, but it is yet not without interest. When you play four or more use a deck of fifty two cards, the game is played together in the thirty-six cards. Playing, collecting in a pile to deal the cards, do not treat them and suits do not attach much importance. The entire deck of cards distributed to all the players on an equal number. Dealer has the right to go first, and he, taking the top card from the pile, put it on the table. Others do the same, and whose card is older, he takes a bribe and puts it down a handful. So continue to play, and one that likely will have time to sell, or pull all the cards - wins. During the game, when will converge controversial cards: 2 - 3 the same value, ie two sixes or two of the king, then the players need to put new cards on a pile, and who will be older, he takes. If between the competing cards will be aces, the senior is the one who had been laid. In general, when he disputed the maps of the players, who had previously put the other card, and takes advantage of the second deck of cards is not taken out. As a result, players must keep strictly to the queue and have to put the serial order of cards. The game can be conducted in a drunkard, and the money and without money. It all depends on the contract.




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《欢乐高尔夫》是一款休闲益智类游戏。在游戏的室内场景中, 玩家需要通过击出高尔夫球, 利用球的反弹撞掉所有的星星, 来闯过近百道关卡。所用的杆数和过关时间, 会成为玩家的关卡成绩, 以此决定是否开启后面的关卡。同时游戏还内置了关卡编辑器, 玩家可以自由编辑设计关卡发挥自己的创造力。, 本游戏以家居为 …

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