【實用角色扮演app】Dentist Office - Ultra HD|最夯免費app

【實用角色扮演app】Dentist Office - Ultra HD|最夯免費app


【免費角色扮演App】Dentist Office - Ultra HD-APP點子

You can get this game for 11.99 nested of 16.99 ONLY THIS WEEK!

Dentist Office - Ultra HD is a new game in cartoon style giving you a chance to become a doctor specialized in dentistry. It is a Role-playing game for kids and for people of all ages.

It’s very important to have healthy teeth and shiny smile for anyone without exception! Patients need not only a toothbrush to keep their teeth strong and only you can help them in your own dentistry office. Now you have an opportunity to play role of the Dentist. If you dream of helping people with teeth diseases, your wish will come true with this game. You can help your patients by drilling, whitening, cleaning teeth; also, you can pull out bad teeth using plenty of different medical tools.

Dentist Office - Ultra HD is a very interesting and exciting game! just try it by yourself! Download it, try on a medical coat, become a great dentist and patients will be thankful for your help them!

【免費角色扮演App】Dentist Office - Ultra HD-APP點子


- You can treat different people by your choice;

- Multiple medical tools and medicines let you make plenty of procedures such as drilling, whitening, cleaning with a brush and extracting teeth;

- The best realistic graphics makes your eyes happy;

- The diversity of teeth disease demand varied treatment and diagnostics. It makes game more entertaining.

【免費角色扮演App】Dentist Office - Ultra HD-APP點子

Patients are waiting for a great dentist in your Dentist Office - Ultra HD! They are waiting for you! Just take your phone in your hands and start helping people for your pleasure!

【免費角色扮演App】Dentist Office - Ultra HD-APP點子

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免費玩Dentist Office - Ultra HD App

Dentist Office - Ultra HD APP LOGO

Dentist Office - Ultra HD LOGO-APP點子

Dentist Office - Ultra HD APP QRCode

Dentist Office - Ultra HD QRCode-APP點子
中國 ChinaWindows
Windows 市集
美國 (U.S.A)Windows
Windows 市集



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