



DialMyApp is the shell application for respected customers of very smart businesses, which really want to improve their availability. DialMyApp is a bridge between the customer’s phone and her favorite businesses, including Suny - Samsung Mobile Israel.

This is the first Viral B2B application.

As a customer with DialMyApp platform installed, you just dial your favorite business app. No need to install many apps for different business, and you can dial these business even from your phone’s contacts.

By dialing a phone number of the business DialMyApp will bring you up-to-date auto-lingual application of the business. It saves a lot of time both for you as a customer and for the business you want to contact.

No more listening to "Do you want to talk to X", select 1, "Do you want to talk to Y" select 2 ......


Customers calling the company number are treated by the application which links to the appropriate department based on their needs or can find all the info or self-service options via the application, so the call might even become unnecessary.

As a business you save on developing the app, marketing it for people to download, and continue marketing for people to remember to use it. Your app is available to your customer by them just dialing your business.


Your phone number is all your customer need to use.

For you as a business we carefully customize the application for your specific needs and business processes, including the live chat, visit scheduling, customer club, affiliate programs and many more. It can grow from simple visual IVR to useful business application integrated in to your IT system.

Your inetraction with the customer becomes more friendly and efficient and, it is less expensive.

Want to make more money for your business? Contact us at info@dialmyapp.com


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DialMyApp LOGO-APP點子

DialMyApp APP QRCode

DialMyApp QRCode-APP點子
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