【實用程式庫與試用程式app】Diane Demo (Vanilla)|最夯免費app

【實用程式庫與試用程式app】Diane Demo (Vanilla)|最夯免費app


【免費程式庫與試用程式App】Diane Demo (Vanilla)-APP點子

This app is a demo for Diane, a framework useful for developing geolocalized "full aware" searching app.

Really, a geolocalized searching app can not use only geoposition in order to retrieve interesting data, because it needs some data source, remote or local. But if there is not connectivity, searchs will fail.

So, Diane provides some back-off strategies on local data (that is: a cache), allowing to achieve some (best-effort) results: this is the "cache awareness".

Moreover, we would have some further strategies with which app will do their search, eg: best server among many, choicing for ttl or distance; or if cache data are too old, app will not use them; etc. And this is the "network awareness".

Last, but probably it is the most important strategy, the "location awareness": behind the scenes, there is a piece of external code that you can bind for this feature - you have just care it implements a simple interface used within Diane.

Finally, your app implementation is just coding your own logic within abstract method inheriting from framework.

Details about strategies, how-to and source code are available at: https://github.com/k0smik0/diane

[This app "vanilla" uses no external framework/libraries to implement "boiler-plate" code; there is another version "roboguiced" (also available here in play store), using insted Roboguice for dependency injection.]

【免費程式庫與試用程式App】Diane Demo (Vanilla)-APP點子

【免費程式庫與試用程式App】Diane Demo (Vanilla)-APP點子

【免費程式庫與試用程式App】Diane Demo (Vanilla)-APP點子

【免費程式庫與試用程式App】Diane Demo (Vanilla)-APP點子

【免費程式庫與試用程式App】Diane Demo (Vanilla)-APP點子

免費玩Diane Demo (Vanilla) APP玩免費

免費玩Diane Demo (Vanilla) App

Diane Demo (Vanilla) APP LOGO

Diane Demo (Vanilla) LOGO-APP點子

Diane Demo (Vanilla) APP QRCode

Diane Demo (Vanilla) QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
