【實用音樂app】Diet Radio|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Diet Radio|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Diet Radio-APP點子

Diet Radio is an independent internet radio project based in Miami, FL / The Bahamas.The project was initiated in 2010 by Bahamas-native Justin Ritchie, along with a team of avid music lovers. Since launching, Diet Radio has grown exponentially and is now represented by an ever-growing team of funky music lovers personified by different backgrounds, skills, and musical tastes. Based out of the Magic City, the teams’ vision is to supply communities near and far with a never ending supply of carefully hand-selected music that spans eras and genres while defying conformity to commercial radio.Motivated to filling a vast void in the streaming music industry, Diet Radio aims to redefine what a radio station is and what it can be. Diet Radio gives the underground music community a platform that inspires, stimulates, and empowers individuals that have an innate desire to rise above the commercial music industry and who want to connect with others who share the same interests.Diet Radio’s m.o. is #nobullsh*t, and our number one goal is to uphold this standard when it comes to our programming, events, and representing underground artists from around the world. When you’re tuned into Diet Radio, rest assure that you’re linked in to a global underground community of music aficionados that vibrate on a higher “frequency.”

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