【實用旅遊app】Dining Out|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】Dining Out|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ Create your own list of restaurants

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ Write reviews to save for yourself and share with friends

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ Automatically get new reviews and recommendations from friends

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ Powered by Google Maps

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ Respects your privacy — no personal information is collected

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ No ads or other annoyances

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

★ Free and open source (GPLv3)

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

Permissions explained:

Contacts — You can follow friends who are also using the app and invite other contacts to join. In order to protect your privacy, your contacts' email addresses are securely hashed (made unreadable) and only the hashes are used to connect you with friends. No readable contact details ever leave your device.

Location — Local and nearby restaurants are suggested when you want to add a new one to your list. You can also sort your restaurant list by their distance from your current location and view them on a map. Your location is never stored or tracked in any way.

Photos/Media/Files — Photos of your restaurants are saved in storage so that they can be loaded quickly.

Other — Sync is enabled and network access is used to save your restaurants and reviews in the cloud, share them with friends, and synchronize them across your devices. The vibrate setting can be enabled for notifications about new reviews from friends and new users that you can follow.

All of these details can be verified in the source code that is available on the project website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

【免費旅遊App】Dining Out-APP點子

免費玩Dining Out APP玩免費

免費玩Dining Out App

Dining Out APP LOGO

Dining Out LOGO-APP點子

Dining Out APP QRCode

Dining Out QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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