【實用解謎app】Dino Matcher|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Dino Matcher|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Dino Matcher-APP點子

This Dino Matcher game is a timed three round dinosaur matching game, featuring bright cartoon dinosaurs, The first

round in Dino Matcher is 100 seconds and each after that is 10 seconds less, so will have the time to

【免費解謎App】Dino Matcher-APP點子

improve each round.

Another thrilling feature to the dinosaur matching game that makes it even more awesome than just a matching

game- you must find the icons that link together in some way! When you make a linked match in the dinosaur matching game it will show the link. You also get some help along the way.

TIP: You can use the REFRESH button 3 times, this mixes up the game cards so it is easier to find linking matches. You can also use the FIND button 3 times, and this will find the matching links for you.

Dino matcher is a cool addictive race to find the matching links, that gets harder each round. Great for kids 3+!!!

Get Dino Matcher for free NOW!

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