【實用旅遊app】Discover Ijen Craters|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】Discover Ijen Craters|最夯免費app


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One Stop Information Apps About Ijen Crater. Download Now to get your personal Guide To Ijen

Ijen is the complex of volcanic area, which there is a crater of Ijen and its plateu. Ijen is located in three part of regencies, which in Situbondo, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi, East Java. This volcanic area become the most incredible and surreal volcanic area in East Java.

In this volcanic mountain, there is also the sulfur mining, regarding that the mountain is still active and produce the nature sulfur. In here, we can see the sulfur miners that collect and carry huge loads of pure sulfur up from the crater floor along a steep, rocky path in the middle of clouds of sulfur dioxide gas. They did it as their living hood. Particularly, Ijen volcanic mountain is consider as the home to the largest lake of sulfuric acid in the world.

Ijen volcanic area is lies to west of Merapi Mountain. The crater is having a wide turquoise colored acid lake that rich in sulfur. The dramatic nuance can be seen around this marvelous tosca lake.

Before getting to the gigantic turquoise crater lake of Ijen, Ijen Crater Application will show the details information related to the tourism object, the dos and don'ts, how to get there and other detail info.

Download Ijen Crater App now, and see the magnificent Ijen tourism in details and pictures are available in high resolutions.

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