【實用教育app】Dodo China Pro|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Dodo China Pro|最夯免費app


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This is a fascinating,fully interactive book. Unique interactions designed to show the Chinese customs and cultures . Amazing new way to understand and enjoy Chinese calligraphy.Enjoy Dodochina.Share it with your friends who has curiosity about China.

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【免費教育App】Dodo China Pro-APP點子

Mr. Dodo, an optimistic adventurer, on his journey to explore Chinese culture. He crosses mountains and rivers, plays around chinese fair and lantern shows, participates in a Chinese drama as an extra and learns Kungfu.He is always on the way and travels different places, trying various fresh and interesting things. Wish you could enjoy Mr. Dodo's experience from his viewpoint , especially for every storming brain,every loving-adventure mind,forever-young you. Enjoy your reading!


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• 50 elaborate llustrated scenes of Chinese style

• 8 attracting Chinese cultural stories

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• Original cultural explanation of 50 Chinese characters

• Imitate and write Chinese characters

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• Sharing each your practices of Chinese calligraphy to Facebook

• 1 bonus story for anyone who likes to share

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• Fully support iPhone 5

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►How Dodo China is born:

Among different cultures across the world, there are not only existing barriers, but also possibilities for taking over obstacles. What MoreChinese hammers at, is opening the first window for you to know something about the mysterious China and Chinese culture, and then a bridge through which you can get close to the beauty of China, enjoy the wonderful journey you expect or the fantastic art you favor. The future of MC aims at building a highway to offer rich, interesting and optional cultural and artistic experience opportunities for those who are interested in Chinese culture.

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Please contact us: info@morechinese.cc

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易福·本命年工艺饰品创立于1998年,十多年来先后在柳州、南宁、成都、武汉、南昌、广州、上海、重庆、天津、北京、深圳、唐山地区设立分公司,开设连锁店超过80家。公司主营:以传统的易理文化知识与民间艺术“中国结”相结合,巧妙搭配成精致、典雅、寓意吉祥如意的助运水晶、玛瑙和玉器等各种款式的饰品、摆件。多 …
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