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“How to Have a Happy, Obedient, Well-Behaved Angel of a Dog in Four Weeks or Less”

And Enjoy Every Tail-Wagging Minute of The World’s Most Effective Dog Training Techniques!

Congratulations! You and your dog are about to embark on a wonderful journey together - a rewarding adventure that will bring happiness to both of you for years to come!

Wouldn’t it be great if all puppies and dogs arrived pre-programmed to instantly do whatever we ask and act like obedient little angels instead of… well… animals?

As crazy as that sounds, here’s something even crazier: expecting our furry four-legged friends to ignore their instincts and change their natural behavior simply because it’s what we want them to do.

Think about that for a moment. How realistic is it to expect a dog not to act like a dog? Dogs naturally chew, bark, dig, run, slobber, poop, play—heck, sometimes they play in poop! They can be so… uncivilized!

Fortunately, your dog is one smart puppy. He can be taught to overcome his “dogness.”

Your Dog Wants to Learn

Every dog (even yours) is an eager and willing student. He is not only able to learn to stop doing what comes naturally and start adopting the strangest behaviors (from his perspective), he loves to learn these things.

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So why are so many dogs disobedient, destructive dummies who won’t behave? Some are not only disobedient, they become downright aggressive.

It’s not the dog’s fault.

Dog Training Isn’t About Your Dog

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Despite what other dog training books, videos, and experts may say, dog training isn’t about the dog.

It’s about you.

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