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"I sometimes think that all you tell me of knighthood, kingdoms, empires and islands is all windy blather and lies" Don Quixote is one of the first novels of the modern age. It is one of the most influential works in the Spanish language canon, and is regarded as being an integral part of the popularization of the modern Spanish language.** For a complete list of books available for sale, please visit http://books.readsmart.com. **About ReadSmartReadSmart is a set of patented technologies created by Language Technologies, Inc. for improving reading comprehension, speed, and enjoyment. ReadSmart technology is founded on decades of research on the science of reading and has been tested extensively in laboratory and field studies. Our proven technology enhances reading through improvements in digital typesetting and the subtle arrangement of type on a page, without altering the content or design.Generic e-books preserve content and facilitate distribution, but remove the unique typographical qualities of the book, which book designers carefully craft through choice of type and design when making print books. We do not believe electronic books have to look identical.ReadSmart algorithms analyze text to give document-specific results: the arrangement of text for a document is optimized while preserving the designer’s layout. ReadSmart technology also converts digital typesetting files used for print books to digital books. Our process customizes the book content for the reading device by making intelligent, economical use of the display. Critically, once a digital book has been created using ReadSmart technology, it has the look and feel of a book, not a generic electronic document.If you have a technical issue, please contact support@readsmart.com before submitting a review

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《傳習錄》分上、中、下三卷。捲上是王守仁講學的語錄,卷中主要是王守仁寫的七封信,卷下是部分語錄和《朱子晚年定論》。全書由他的弟子徐愛、薛侃和錢德洪等編輯而成。該書表述了陽明心學的主要論點。《傳習錄》提出了“心外無物”、“心外無理”的命題,比如深山中的花,“你未看到此花時,此花與汝同歸于寂,你來看此花 …

楚辭又稱“楚詞”,是戰國時代的偉大詩人屈原創造的一種詩體。作品運用楚地(今兩湖一帶)的文學樣式、方言聲韻,敘寫楚地的山川人物、歷史風情,具有濃厚的地方特色。漢代時,劉向把屈原的作品及宋玉等人“承襲屈賦”的作品編輯成集,名為《楚辭》。並成為繼《詩經》以後,對我國文學具有深遠影響的一部詩歌總集。並且是我 …

本應用包含:《老子》《莊子》和《黃帝內經》。《老子》又稱《道德真經》《道德經》《五千言》《老子五千文》,是中國古代先秦諸子分家前的一部著作,為其時諸子所共仰,傳說是春秋時期的老子李耳(似是作者、注釋者、傳抄者的集合體)所撰寫,是道家哲學思想的重要來源。道德經分上下兩篇,原文上篇《德經》、下篇《道經》 …

《大學》原為《禮記》第四十二篇。宋朝程顥、程頤兄弟把它從《禮記》中抽出,編次章句。朱熹將《大學》、《中庸》、《論語》、《孟子》合編注釋,稱為《四書》,從此《大學》成為儒家經典。至於《大學》的作者,程顥、程頤認為是“孔氏之遺言也”。朱熹把《大學》重新編排整理,分為“經”一章,“傳”十章。認為,“經一章 …

經中記載了釋迦牟尼佛在忉利天宮(欲界六天的第二層天),為母親摩耶夫人說法。佛在經中贊揚了地藏菩薩「地獄不空,誓不成佛,眾生度盡,方正菩提」的宏大誓願,並介紹了地藏菩薩在因地修行過程中的典型事例,如婆羅門女、光目女救度母親的故事。還通過文殊菩薩、佛母摩耶夫人、定自在王菩薩、四天王、普賢菩薩、普廣菩薩、 …

本應用包含:《地藏經》《金剛經》《金光明經》《四十二章經》《壇經》《心經》《藥師經》《圓覺經》。《地藏經》記載了釋迦牟尼佛在忉利天宮(欲界六天的第二層天),為母親摩耶夫人說法。佛在經中贊揚了地藏菩薩「地獄不空,誓不成佛,眾生度盡,方正菩提」的宏大誓願,並介紹了地藏菩薩在因地修行過程中的典型事例,如婆 …