【實用博奕app】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE|最夯免費app

【實用博奕app】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE|最夯免費app


【免費博奕App】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE-APP點子

A fun blackjack variation where you can see the both of the dealers cards before making your move. However this advantage comes at a cost, the dealer will win all ties and a blackjack will pay even money.

Double exposure Blackjack is played the same as regular Blackjack with the following variations. Both dealer cards are dealt face up so you can see the exact score before making your move. Because of this advantage the dealer wins all ties except blackjack which will be counted as a push. Blackjacks will only pay 1:1.

By purchasing the Ad-Free Double Exposure Blackjack you can change various gameplay rules:

【免費博奕App】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE-APP點子

- Choose to play 1, 2, 4 or eight decks of cards.

【免費博奕App】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE-APP點子

- Enable splitting on any pair of 10s

【免費博奕App】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE-APP點子

- Enable double-up on any first hand

【免費博奕App】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE-APP點子

- Change the appearance of the table with different color schemes.

【免費博奕App】Double Exposure Blackjack FREE-APP點子

In the full version gameplay statistics will also be logged, see how many hands you can win and how high you can raise your balance.

免費玩Double Exposure Blackjack FREE APP玩免費

免費玩Double Exposure Blackjack FREE App

Double Exposure Blackjack FREE APP LOGO

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Double Exposure Blackjack FREE APP QRCode

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