【實用休閒app】Dragon BOll Puzzle|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Dragon BOll Puzzle|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

It is a large adventure at a puzzle and amazing journey!

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

This game is a game which ventures by the power of a puzzle dice together with a monster.

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

I will venture the other players in the world and will find out a legendary journey!

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

* A cardinal rule is an easy puzzle!

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

About the drops of the same dragon ball, It is a puzzle game arranged and erased same color at length or width. but the ball born with an attack attribute, that will bring a treatment or an ultra high damage or injury.

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

I will get an excellent way, then my opponent will eat a heavy punch.

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

* The battle with a monster!

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

If drops are erased, the monster of an ally will attack an enemy!

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Before being damaged by an enemy, I will defeat targeting a large damage in a combo!

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

* I will construct a defense mode or attack mode by the dragon ball !

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

A new attribute dragon ball will be gathered in the dungeon!

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

Gatsha can also get a gold in addition to a pvp or defend match!

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* It is Play together with a friend.

【免費休閒App】Dragon BOll Puzzle-APP點子

It is still more pleasant if it ventures together with a friend!

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Dragon BOll Puzzle APP QRCode

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