【實用教育app】Draw Solid Geometry|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Draw Solid Geometry|最夯免費app


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Description Sketch: An important means of learning geometry.This app offers 120 lessons of three-dimensional Geometry.The app goal is to provide an interactive sketch framework for everybody in solid geometry. By sketch drawings of various geometric shapes,make you more deeper to understand the three-dimensional geometry. (1)Features ★Three level : Started Geometry,Base Geometry,Primary Geometry . ★Each exercise results will be given a score, users can decide whether to re-painting it again or replay the drawing process. ★For some special shape will show the animation describes how this geometry change from . so that you fully understand the relationship between the geometries. ★ A step-by-step, three-dimensional geometric images sketch . Make you understanding of three-dimensional geometry more deeper. (2)Sketch: The Importance of Art in Education The research indicate that arts education -- including the visual arts, dance, music, and drama -- enhances a student's ability to acquire core academic skills. Study in painting or drawing, for example, can improve complex reasoning, writing, and reading readiness, partly because the critical and creative faculties required to generate and appreciate art transfer cognitively to future learning experiences, and partly because the arts make learning fun: A student personally invested in his or her work will be far more likely to stick with it.

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★★★★★ 宝宝快聪明① 儿童教育百科,原價4.99﹣>限時0.99下載,让孩子喜欢上學習 ★★★★★ 宝宝快聪明 是一套专为中国孩子量身打造, 让孩子喜欢上學習的儿童教育百科。每一期均精选多個各国经典童话故事, 每个故事都包含儿童必學的成长道理。图文结合, 美丽生动的插图, 让孩子仿佛置身于童话王 …