



Dukatinoljupci pozor!Dukatino te vodi na jedinstvenu avanturu kroz šaroliku džunglu, duboko more i gustu šumu gdje ćeš upoznati majmunicu Monu, žabu Kreka i hobotnicu Dugoprstića.KOŠARICADukatinu treba pomoć pri sakupljanju mlijeka i voća kako bi napravio svoje fine jogurtiće i mliječne kreme. Miči prstićem lijevo-desno i hvataj voće koje pada s neba. Budi brz i uhvati ih što više prije nego vrijeme istekne. I zapamti, iznenađenja te čekaju gdje najmanje očekuješ! Vješto probleme riješi, zadovoljno se nasmiješi, voće skupi i zdjelu do vrha napuni!Budi spretan i okretan kako u šumi, i na moru tako i na sjevernom polu. Što si dalje to je teže, izazovi ne bježe. Na putu do cilja i pomoći ima! Svaki put kad zdjelu napuniš i Dukatina razveseliš, sličica tu je, spremi je u album. Sličica po sličica i gotova je pričica.MEMORYSličica je puno, uvijek dvije iste kriju se u hrpi. Pamti gdje je koja, i pobjeda je tvoja.Brzo, brzo skupi ih sve, kad si gotov probaj sa sličica više.Attention, Dukatino Fans! Dukatino takes you on a journey through colorful jungle, deep sea and bushy forest. There, you'll meet Mona the Monkey, Kreg the Frog and Octopus Long Finger.BASKET Dukatino needs help in collecting milk and fruit for his yummy yoghurts and milk creams. Move your finger from left to right and gather the fruit falling from the sky. Be fast and collect as many fruit as possible before time runs out. But beware, surprises lurk where least expect! Solve the problems, laugh, collect the fruit and fill the bowl to the fullest!Be skillful and agile in the forest and the sea as well as the North Pole. As you go further, the harder it gets and the challenges keep coming. You will even get help on your way to the finish line! Each time you fill your bowl, a picture will appear. You can collect them in the album. Picture by picture and the story comes to the end. MEMORYThere are many different picture cards, yet always two of a kind are hidden in a pile.Find them and you will win this game. Quick, quick, find them all, and when you are finished, start a new game.








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