【實用教育app】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

Accio dictionaries and phrasebooks give you just the words you need.Use this app on iPhone or iPad to access thousands of common Dutch and French translations, and listen to more than 800 words and phrases recorded by native speakers, with no internet connection required.Dictionary features:• More than 60,000 entries and 250,000 translations• Parts of speech• Dutch noun genders• Tap any word in the dictionary results to look it up• Find results as you type with quick search, or browse alphabetically• Multiple translations for many entries• Return to recent searches with historyPhrasebook features:• Browse categories or search for specific phrases • All phrases include audio recorded by native speakers in addition to the text display• Return to recent searches with history• Easily change search direction with bidirectional look-up• Use the volume controls to adjust play volumePhrase categories include basic conversation, lodging and restaurants, emergency and survival, time, date, and number vocabulary, sightseeing and nightlife, shopping, transportation, and more.This app includes the Accio Dutch-French dictionary and phrasebook bundled together for a lower price. Each is also available for purchase separately, search for Accio in the App Store to learn more.Other Accio dictionary and phrasebook apps are available in combinations of Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.Please let us know what you think of the app by leaving a review. Telling us what you like about your Accio apps helps us make them even better in future updates.Accio apps are designed for effortless navigation, created with attention to detail to be simple and satisfying to use.** Get sneak peeks, app giveaways, and more **Email: http://bit.ly/accioemail Blog: http://accioapps.tumblr.com/** Let us know what you want to see in future versions ** On twitter: @accioappsEmail: support@accioapps.com

【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

【免費教育App】Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio-APP點子

免費玩Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio APP玩免費

免費玩Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio App

Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio APP LOGO

Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio LOGO-APP點子

Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio APP QRCode

Dutch-French Language Pack from Accio QRCode-APP點子
App Store



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