【實用教育app】Dyslexia Tutor|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Dyslexia Tutor|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Dyslexia Tutor-APP點子

Dyslexia is not something that a lot of people understand and the simple explanation is that it describes people who have great difficulty learning to read and write due to the way their brain is wired.

People with dyslexia may have normal intelligence and may actually excel in other areas, but when it comes to spelling, reading or writing, they struggle to learn at the same rate as everyone else.

Inside this app you will be able to access a special program for teaching a dyslexic learner. You can use this program to focus on essential information regarding decoding and encoding. Keep in mind that if you are teaching someone the code that you need to use it in context. The reader needs to see a purpose in the activity and that the code has meaning.

What needs to be pointed out is that repetition is an important learning method for people with dyslexia, who will have problems storing and retrieving information from long term and short term memory and that a multi-sensory approach to learning is really the best for the learner.

Discover also services that you can connect with to help you achieve your learning goals.

If you would like to achieve your study goals and become more motivated and cope better with your studies then you need this app.

Online Tutor will help you keep motivated and progress towards your goals and help you create the plans to achieve them.

【免費教育App】Dyslexia Tutor-APP點子

Discover the Study Club and a new Online Tutor service where you can solve more of your study problems and achieve success in your course.

To Get the Kindle Series: "The Best Way to Study Books":

1. How to Succeed in School - Answer the Question (The Best Way to Study Series) [Kindle Edition]


2. How to Succeed in School - Why You Want to Become a Reader (The Best Way to Study) [Kindle Edition]


3. Study Techniques [Kindle Edition]

【免費教育App】Dyslexia Tutor-APP點子


【免費教育App】Dyslexia Tutor-APP點子

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