【實用教育app】EASY AS THIS - Concentration|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】EASY AS THIS - Concentration|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】EASY AS THIS - Concentration-APP點子

Experience and grasp the concept of concentration, with this Concentration-Timer.This app is made to help small playful pupils to grasp the concept of concentration. It visualizes being focused or unfocused in a clear and objective way. It makes it easier for parents to help their child to keep focused on the homework, without the hassle. Likewise it also comes in handy for primary school teachers. At it's best this 'Concentration-Timer' becomes a fun game for the child, who can be very keen on staying focused, just to collect "Focus-points"! + Decide a goal-time to have the pupil to work fully concentrated, for instance 5 minutes. Even a short time can be hard at first. Set reasonable goals.+ Tap the 'Focused button' when the pupil is concentrated, to measure the 'Efficient Time'.+ Tap the 'Unfocused button' when the pupil does "other stuff" like playing, to instead measure 'Lost Time'.+ Use the "Pause button" if you need to give instructions, during the session.+ You can review the progress in real time.+ If the pupil reaches the focus-goal, then it's time to celebrate. Give compliments and maybe a break and a treat. Encourage the child for it's efforts.+ The child can experience having the work done more rapidly than anticipated.+ The timer is limited to one hour. It's not efficient to work longer than one hour without a break.Your task is to read if the child has the focus set on target or not, and tap the corresponding button.You as a pedagogue is an important person for the child, praise and encourage often!We have focused on produce a simple and useful tool, and we are convinced that this concentration-timer will help to grasp the concept of concentration! *** Concentration, Focus, Close attention, Attentiveness ***

【免費教育App】EASY AS THIS - Concentration-APP點子

【免費教育App】EASY AS THIS - Concentration-APP點子

【免費教育App】EASY AS THIS - Concentration-APP點子

【免費教育App】EASY AS THIS - Concentration-APP點子

【免費教育App】EASY AS THIS - Concentration-APP點子

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EASY AS THIS - Concentration APP LOGO

EASY AS THIS - Concentration LOGO-APP點子

EASY AS THIS - Concentration APP QRCode

EASY AS THIS - Concentration QRCode-APP點子
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