【實用生活app】Early Sobriety Companion|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Early Sobriety Companion|最夯免費app


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For less then the cost of a beer, you can download this app to help increase your chances of getting and staying sober by following its simple checklist each day which is tied to the AA program of recovery.If you are a sponsor you may gift this app to a sponsee.Made by sober members of AA to help new members learn the ropes of AA culture, and build a solid foundation in AA's program to stay sober one day at a time. Disclaimer: this app is NOT sponsored or approved by AA. An app can not get you sober.Includes1. Sobriety Calculator2. Daily Checklist to see how you are doing3. Insider information on AA culture and lingo4. Tips on getting a good sponsor5. Tips on meetings and meeting etiquette6. Daily Gratitude List, fully editable7. Sober network "phone book"8. Sponsor 911 Speed-dial9. Password protected for privacy and anonymity 10. First 5 chapters of AA's main text book, including how to determine if you are an alcoholic11. An audio library of recordings of a famous AA text book study, explaining everything in laymen's terms.If you are a newcomer walking into an AA meeting can seem like landing in a foreign country, where you don't know the language or customs of this new , scary and strange land. The Early Sobriety Companion was made by members of AA to give newcomers a head-start in acclimating to AA's recovery environment and feel more comfortable in those first few months that they are coming around. It walks you through the AA basics of Meetings, Sponsorship, and Prayer. It even has a detailed "AA to English" dictionary so that they can learn the AA lingo and know what everyone is talking about!Most importantly, at the apps core is a Daily Checklist with just 6 simple things that if done each day will greatly increase your chances of getting and staying sober using AA's program. Its very simple and effective, and works if you work it. The main menu is broken down into ABOUT and the 4 ACTION categories below: ABOUTLearn the AA program lingo and basics, including special sections on Sponsorship, Meetings, and Prayer.DODo the six things on this checklist each day* Every night at midnight, the checkmarks will clear, and you will start a new 24 hours of working on your sobriety. We do this program one day at a time.CALLCall your sponsor and sober network every day. Keep adding names and numbers at every meeting* *My Network: To add a new contact you tap the + . From this screen, you can also transfer any contact from your iphone contacts by tapping on “import contact”. Tip: Use “notes” to leave a description of the person which is helpful when you have multiple contacts with the same first name. Use “Home Group” to note at which meeting you usually see the person.READIncluded are the first 63 pages of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Here are the instructions on how to get sober and start the first three steps of AA’s twelve step program. AA is not an academic program that you can learn yourself; it’s a spiritual program that is done with the help of others. Ask your sponsor to go over each chapter with you before you go on to the next one. LISTENIncluded are the recordings of the ”Joe and Charlie Big Book Study” that correspond with the first 63 pages of the Big Book. Listen to them in order, as each builds on the last. *Other Features*Turn Passcode on/off -Makes the app password protectedSet Sponsor Speed-dial-Enter your sponsor’s number Set /Save Sobriety Date -Enter the date that you stopped drinkingShare App-Send a link to download the app to anyone via text This app is not authorized , approved or sponsored by AA. It was made by members for members. We hope it helps you on your journey in recovery.

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