



“EatHealthier” helps you eat healthier by tracking your servings using the straightforward Canada's Food Guide.As featured in the New and Noteworthy section of the Canadian iTunes App Store from August 11-17, 2011.With serving goals based simply on age and gender, and easy to understand serving sizes, anyone can make an immediate change for the better. The App focusses on what you can eat, and features easy entry of servings, simple serving size lookup, and a graph to chart progress.Key Features• Quickly capture your servings and adjust your eating during the day• Easily lookup what a serving is• Look at graphs of your servings over time to see progress and adjust eating• Useable by vegetarians and non-vegetarians• Edit previous days entriesUse “EatHealthier” today and start moving to a healthier you.NOTE: For my Canadian friends. The App is designed for personal use. You can change the serving sizes. Please see the support FAQ on the website:http://www.KLMApps.com/support/





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