



The EcoSensual App combines natural birth control options with a different approach to sexuality that is inspiring for women.

With sensual lovemaking tips and ideas based on the rhythms of her natural cycle, we empower women to make educated choices about their sexual preferences. The more a woman understands her body, the more she is in control of her psychology and sexuality!

This Mobile App is based on the average woman's fertility cycle of 26-32 days. However, many EcoSensual birth control methods can be used even if a woman's cycle is irregular.

For single women this app can be particularly helpful. For example, studies show that when a woman is in her fertile days, highly masculine, aggressive or macho men seem much more attractive!

So knowing her fertility can help when a single woman is on a date. She can consciously use her fertility cycle to choose a good lover. More importantly, this knowledge can also help her with avoiding the consequences when she makes a bad choice of lover!

When you are in a relationship knowing your fertility can help you choose the types of sex you have with your lover so you are in tune with you fertility cycle.

Having different kinds of sex during the course of a woman's cycle reduces boredom with 'routine' lovemaking. This can help any relationship in so many ways.

Even though we live in the 21st Century, old attitudes and double standards die hard. When a man carries condoms in his wallet he is considered ‘responsible’. When a single woman carries condoms in her purse or is ‘on the pill’, she is often judged negatively.

The world will eventually evolve but in the meantime we provide a confidential way for women to access birth control information. This app is private and password protected! No one needs to know that a woman is monitoring her fertility.

Artificial birth control methods such as the Pill and the condom have done a great job of preventing unwanted pregnancies in the world.

But condoms and pills are unhealthy for some women and also not always effective. As well, there are environmental costs. For example, condoms are often mistaken by wildlife for food which ends up killing many birds, reptiles and fish.

The Natural Birth Control Methods can be used as a standalone form of birth control or as a complement to any traditional contraception method. If you have any doubts about using any of the EcoSensual Natural Birth Control Methods please speak to your medical practitioner.

Even if you decide to use just some of the EcoSensual Natural Birth Control Methods that is success enough. For you would presumably be using less artificial contraception and you would be enjoying a very different love life than you do now!

So try it out. Your love life will than you for being sexy and having a natural control of your fertility.



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