【實用教育app】Electron beam, crossed field T|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Electron beam, crossed field T|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Electron beam, crossed field T-APP點子

The app is in 10 languages now! The user can select between english, русский, deutsch, español, 中国的 , français, ελληνικά, 日本人, italiano and nederlands:

el - Δέσμη ηλεκτρονίων σε διασταυρωμένο ηλεκτρικό και μαγνητικό πεδίο; it - Raggio di elettroni in campo elettrico e magnetico incrociato; ru - Электронный луч в скрещенных электрических и магнитных полях, es - Haz de electrones en campo magnético y eléctrico cruzados; zh - 交叉电场和磁场中的电子束; nl - Elektronenstraal in gekruist E- en magneetveld; fr - Faisceau électronique dans les champs électrique et magnétique croisés; jp - 交差する電磁界の電子ビーム.

Using the BIGS simulation experiment in app form, you can simulate the behaviour of an electron beam in crossed fields. It is possible to simulate:

o the behaviour of an electron beam in an electric field;

o the behaviour of an electron beam in a magnetic field.

【免費教育App】Electron beam, crossed field T-APP點子

o the behaviour of an electron beam in crossed fields,

o the creation of cycloid paths by the electron beam,

o and to determine the specific charge (q/m) of an electron (i.e. the measured values shown in the app correspond to those of the real experiment).

This app is a learning aid for the examination topics "electron beam in crossed fields", "moving charges", "function of a cathode ray tube" and "Wien filter".

It can be used both in lessons and in revision for exams.

【免費教育App】Electron beam, crossed field T-APP點子

The simulation has been designed by BIGS as a self-explanatory program. However, user guidance is also available. Within the app, users can switch between the simulation and a worksheet intended to provide an even better understanding of the physics underlying the simulation. Users can also download additional work materials from the BIGS server using the "More" button. The materials developed by BIGS include work sheets and assignments.

Together with the worksheets, the simulation guides users through to determining the specific charge (q/m) of an electron, including writing a report on the experiment. The assignments are intended to allow users to test the knowledge they have acquired.

The learning aid has been successfully tested in advanced physics courses at German high schools such as Giebichenstein Gymnasium in Halle.

The "Electron beam in crossed fields" app is intended to provide support for students who wish to develop their knowledge independently.

With a click at the button “More” you can get more worksheets and exercises, but you will not get here solutions and educational notes. If you need a simple version without solutions and educational notes use it for 1,59 €.

This app is usable in combination of interactive whiteboard and tablets.

【免費教育App】Electron beam, crossed field T-APP點子

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Electron beam, crossed field T APP QRCode

Electron beam, crossed field T QRCode-APP點子
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