【實用書籍app】Elly Book 7 - music day|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Elly Book 7 - music day|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子

Elly the Reindeer is back with her woodland friends in an all new musical adventure. Elly finds her accordion whilst tidying her toy box, it gives her the idea to form a band with her friends, Aapo, Fin and Harry, and to plan a surprise for Owl !

Tap the screen icons to hear the instruments and join Elly in her latest adventure 'music day'.

What they say about Elly.....

【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子


Among the incredible sound bursting, flashy motion interactive apps out there, a safe and cozy space is saved for the simple and lovely ebooks like Elly the Reindeer. With the new ‘Snowy Day’ there are now 6 Elly the Reindeer books out there, all very simple and very lovely. It may look too plain for toddler’s parents but don’t get fooled.There is still no better reading on the iPad at bedtime than the Elly series. A must have,all 6 of them. (13/10/2010)

【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子


"The apps have clean and beautifully structured illustrations, that make excellent use of colors and proportions, really helping on our kids’ visual education. Stories are simple and fun, the ones that kids ask us to read over and over." (5/08/10)


【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子

"The book content is very nice and easy to read and would be a great group of books to read with anyone’s children."


"I truly enjoy reading about Elly the Reindeer and her woodland friends. I find the illustrations adorable and the stories are clever and sweet.."

【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子


I think “Elly Book 5” and the entire “Elly the Reindeer” series in general are wonderful choices to read to even the youngest child who may have a short attention span or be overwhelmed by sounds, movements, and the tapping you find in other apps.

This app contains NO ads, in-app purchases, push notifications, tracking, or any data collection whatsoever.

【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子

This app does contain a link to our Facebook page for more information and promotion details, and links to the iTunes app store in reference to our other similar apps.

These links are found only on screens at the end of the app and independent of the book page screens.

【免費書籍App】Elly Book 7 - music day-APP點子

Dipali Vaidya is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families.

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