【實用書籍app】English Standard Bible|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】English Standard Bible|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】English Standard Bible-APP點子

This is the version of the Holy Bible known as the English Standard Bible. It includes a read aloud function, easily controlled by you through a SPEAK ON / OFF button inside each chapter. You will be able to follow the holy scriptures while driving, cooking or attending any kind of task that would not allow you to read.

Furthermore, this English Standard Bible version is compiled in a colocquial, story-wise fashion while including key notes at the end of each chapter expanding verses when needed, in order to give you a better scope on God's Word. The English Standard Bible is a nice reading and listening experience for every Christian, including scholars and students, fulfilling the task as a spiritual guidance for your biblical study.

【免費書籍App】English Standard Bible-APP點子

Please Consider:

1) The reading text inside this Android App will self adjust it's size depending of your phone or tablet's screen size, aiming for an easy, uncluttered, reading experience.

【免費書籍App】English Standard Bible-APP點子

2) The Speak aloud function may not be installed or configured in your Android device. This Android app will pop up a message box telling you about the need of installing or configuring the voice function inside your Android Device. You may do so by getting into your Android´s home screen, opening the SYSTEM SETTINGS menu and scrolling down into the Language & Input option. Inside you will find the Text to Speech configuration panel.

【免費書籍App】English Standard Bible-APP點子

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免費玩English Standard Bible App

English Standard Bible APP LOGO

English Standard Bible LOGO-APP點子

English Standard Bible APP QRCode

English Standard Bible QRCode-APP點子
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