【實用工具app】Entrust IG Mobile Smart Cred|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Entrust IG Mobile Smart Cred|最夯免費app


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Entrust IdentityGuard Mobile Smart Credential is an innovative mobile application that transforms your mobile device into a virtual smart card / digital identity. Upon successful user activation with your credential issuer’s Entrust IdentityGuard server, the Mobile Smart Credential can be used in a variety of ways depending on the services enabled by your credential issuer. For example, it can be used to:

• authenticate to your computer and your corporate network

• decrypt emails and files

• authenticate and confirm virtually any transaction initiated on a web application

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• digitally sign content, forms and transactions.

• on platforms with NFC support, this application can be used as your virtual physical access badge providing access into buildings and secured locations.

Mobile Smart Credential Benefits

The Entrust IdentityGuard Mobile Smart Credential is far more secure, convenient, easy to use, and provides support for a number of authentication, malware protection, information protection and digital signature needs. Leveraging the capabilities within your mobile phone, the mobile smart credential addresses the shortfall of physical smart cards, hardware OTP’s and USB tokens with a truly multi-purpose that is always in hand.

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Innovative application that is part of an enterprise authentication framework

The Entrust IdentityGuard Mobile Smart Credential provides an innovative yet relevant authentication solution and is deployed on the IdentityGuard enterprise authentication platform. IdentityGuard’s comprehensive capabilities are designed to meet authentication needs across your organization including embedded support for diverse user group needs, cloud security, mobile security, and adaptive authentication all on a platform with unmatched deployment flexibility and agility.

Derived Mobile Smart Credential

When this feature is configured, Entrust IdentityGuard users who have a physical smart credential (plastic smart card) or an Entrust profile (.EPF file) can use it to obtain a smart credential encoded on a mobile device. Users gain the convenience of a having a highly secure credential on a device they already carry with them without repeating enrolment or other processes already completed to obtain the original smart card or Entrust profile.

Activating your Mobile Smart Credential

Entrust Mobile Smart Credential can only be used in conjunction with credential issuing organizations that have created an Entrust IdentityGuard account for you. To use the application, you will need to activate the Mobile Smart Credential with your credential issuer. Once you have downloaded the application please consult the organization you whom you wish to use the Mobile Smart Credential for activation instructions.

Supported Platforms

【免費工具App】Entrust IG Mobile Smart Cred-APP點子

The Entrust IdentityGuard Mobile application is supported on Android OS 2.3 or later

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Entrust IG Mobile Smart Cred APP QRCode

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