【實用教育app】Environmental Engineering (I)|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Environmental Engineering (I)|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Environmental Engineering (I)-APP點子

This unique free application is for all students across the world. It covers 61 topics of Environmental Engineering in detail. These 61 topics are divided in 4 units.

Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.

This USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from anywhere they like.

Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.

Some of topics Covered in this application are:

1. Introduction of Environment

2. Scope & Importance of environmental science

3. Need for Public Awareness

4. Ecosystem

5. Functional Aspect of Ecosystem

6. Human Activities

7. Environmental Impact Assessment

8. Effects of Human Activities

9. Sustainable Developments

10. Urban Problem Related to Energy

11. Biodiversity

12. Measuring of Biodiversity

13. Natural Resources

14. Water Resources

15. Water Related Diseases

16. Fluoride Problems In Drinking Water

17. Mineral Resources

18. Material Cycles

19. Carbon Cycle

20. Nitrogen Cycle

21. Sulfur Cycle

22. Water Cycle

23. Energy

24. Electromagnetic Radiation

25. Conventional Source of Energy

26. Fossil Fuel

27. Nuclear Energy

28. Solar Energy

29. Non-Conventional Source of Energy

30. Bio Energy

【免費教育App】Environmental Engineering (I)-APP點子

31. Hydrogen As a Fuel

32. Environmental Pollution

33. Air Pollution

34. Effects of Air Pollution

35. Water Pollution

36. Noise Pollution

37. Soil Pollution

38. Solid Waste Management

39. Thermal and Marine Pollution

40. Disaster Management

41. Earthquakes

42. Current Environmental Issues

43. Global Warming

44. Climate Change

45. Ozone Layer Depletion

46. Population Growth

47. Acid Rain

48. Animal Husbandry

49. Automobile Pollution

50. Environmental Ethics

51. Water Conservation

52. Environmental Protection

53. Public Awareness

54. Environmental Education

55. Women and Child Welfare

56. Human Rights and Information and Electronic Revolution

57. National Family Welfare Programme

58. Value Education

59. HIV/AIDS and Ventilation

60. Women Education

【免費教育App】Environmental Engineering (I)-APP點子

61. Role of NGO in Environmental Protection

【免費教育App】Environmental Engineering (I)-APP點子

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Environmental Engineering (I) APP LOGO

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Environmental Engineering (I) APP QRCode

Environmental Engineering (I) QRCode-APP點子
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