【實用新聞app】Equake Lite App Widget|最夯免費app

【實用新聞app】Equake Lite App Widget|最夯免費app


【免費新聞App】Equake Lite App Widget-APP點子

*** Equake Lite will always be ad free! ***

The Equake Lite App Widget monitors earthquakes and displays information about it at regular intervals, the information is updated each time a new earthquake is found.

The full version of Equake Lite has additional features such as displaying details, lists, maps and records with historical information.

Please note, this is an App Widget, to start it press somewhere on your homescreen and hold it until a list pops up, then select Widgets and select Equake Lite from the list.

I hope you will enjoy it and please feel free to email me with any suggestions, feature requests, bug reports or anything else you think may be useful, thank you.

When you first start Equake Lite it will ask you for a few configuration options, you can leave them at the default or you can change them to your liking. Once you press "save" Equake Lite will start.

The first option sets the amount of time between updates, the default is 5 minutes.

You also can choose the Magnitude level at which an alert will be triggered, this alert will show up in the notification bar and may vibrate your device and cause an audible alarm (dpending on your system settings). The alert will remain visibile until you clear it or quit the Widget. If you click on the notification it will take you to a web page with more information.

You can configure whether you would like a semi transparent background to increase readability or no background (the default).

The last option configures the minimum magnitude to monitor. If you prefer not to see all these magnitude 1.x earthquakes this will come in handy. The behaviour is such that you will only see the minimum magnitude or above on the homescreen and in the "map" and "url" tabs when you click "info". However the preset lists and maps (24 hrs, 7 days) will still show all earthquakes. You can create more specific maps or lists using the "Create Customized Map or List" button. If there has not been an earthquake of magnitude 2 or above in the last 24 hours the "map" and "url" tabs will show the most recent earthquake regardless of magnitude.

Click "Save" to save your preferences.

After that the Widget will start, it may take a few seconds before it will update, depending on your network connection.

When you click the "Info" button a screen will open with 2 tabs:

* The first tab shows a website with information about the most recent earthquake

* The second tab provides some information about the program and the ability to reconfigure it.


The software is provided "as is", Without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

【免費新聞App】Equake Lite App Widget-APP點子

【免費新聞App】Equake Lite App Widget-APP點子

【免費新聞App】Equake Lite App Widget-APP點子

免費玩Equake Lite App Widget APP玩免費

免費玩Equake Lite App Widget App

Equake Lite App Widget APP LOGO

Equake Lite App Widget LOGO-APP點子

Equake Lite App Widget APP QRCode

Equake Lite App Widget QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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