【實用醫療app】Espresso Ophthalmology|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Espresso Ophthalmology|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Espresso Ophthalmology-APP點子

Scionis Medical created this app for Ophthalmologists to record and organize their patients’ clinical information.

With this set of Ophthalmology charts, you can easily keep track of what happened during a visit, the observations you made, your findings, treatments, plans, ...

To stick with our commitments to create rigorous and physician-centered tools, we worked in collaboration with a Senior Eye-surgeon to conceive an Ophthalmology app that would precisely meet Ophthalmologists’ needs.

Espresso Ophthalmology is complete. It provides specialists with adapted electronic clinical charts and forms to collect and manage their findings about:

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- Patients’ Complaints

- Vision and Refraction examination

- Vitreoretinal examination

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- External and Slit Lamp examinations

but also about

- the Treatment(s) management

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- Eye glasses prescription

- etc.

Espresso Ophthalmology is easy to use!

Just follow these three steps and you're good to go:

1. Select the chart

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2. Fill the chart (drop downs, free text, speech recognition)

3. Save the chart

… and that’s it!

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Espresso Ophthalmology runs on your Android Smartphone and/or Tablet. That way, you can access your charts anywhere, anytime!

What are the features offered by Espresso Ophthalmology?

In the palm of your hand:

- Espresso Ophthalmology is designed to work on Android phones and tablets. This way, you can carry it with you everywhere you go, record what you need and don't miss any piece of relevant information from your patients.

From the tip of your fingers:

- We made it possible for you to never spend more than 3 taps away from recording important patient data, through intuitive drop downs or easy-to-use free text boxes.

Or even from the tip of your tongue!

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- You don’t want to type? Just speak! All Espresso Medical Charts include a Speech Recognition option to fill the free text boxes.

Review patients previous assessments with visual highlighting for changes:

- Espresso Ophthalmology has been designed to facilitate the revision process in the best of ways. All differences on past charts are checked, and then handed over to you as an historical change profile with the modifications clearly pointed out.

Export your data:

- The information you create on your day-to-day practice belongs to you, not to your device. Espresso Ophthalmology knows it and is already prepared to export and send the data over the web under the form of comprehensive reports, away from the tiny clutches of your tablet or smartphone.

Print/Email your treatment, follow-up, recommendations for your patient:

【免費醫療App】Espresso Ophthalmology-APP點子

- Fill the forms with your fingertips, and thanks to the Print/Email function of the Espresso Ophthalmology, you’ll just need a few more tappings to transmit the information to your patients.

Want more? Why don’t you suscribe to our Cloud-based EHR service?

- You want to get the best out of your Espresso Ophthalmology? Secure data storage, reliable back-up, automatic synchronization with your PC/Mac and other smartphones/tablets, automatic updates... interested? Then you should check our Espresso MD EHR web page to get more information (www.espressomd.com).

A chart is missing?

- No need to worry! Just get in touch with us and we'll set it up for a small fee.

To know more please visit http://charts.espressomd.com/ophthalmology-c-14.html

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成立於2011年的我們,有感於現今台灣牙科市場的治療眼界偏向短期改善,而非追求長期穩定,集合眾多學經歷完整的台大及北醫醫師群,期盼能從預防醫療的宣導、全口腔以及全身體狀況的了解、精確的診斷、整體治療計畫的規劃、治療疑問的討論釋疑、專業分科的穩定成果、以及有計畫的追蹤計畫,來帶給周邊鄰里、甚至大台北地 …