



Often while learning science and mathematics, a particular concept or an idea does not fall in place as it is difficult to visualize or understand. This app is an answer to these barriers which through its interesting 3D animations enables students in overcoming them. 'Eureka.in' is an award winning product with global awards like 'Worlddidac' and “World summit” to its name. It was also a finalist at 'Codie awards' 2012.

'Eureka.in' is a digital library of 3D animated content catering to K12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Each topic in this app is a unique combination of creative learning resources like Text, Video, Quiz, Web-Link, Images and Key terms. Its visually appealing and educating videos facilitate better understanding and longer retention. Even abstract concepts like the structure of DNA, complex physical laws and intricate chemical bonds become absolutely clear and concrete. Along with learning, it also brings an element of excitement and entertainment to studies. In a nutshell, this app steers students' imagination in the right direction to explore and actively discover unique solutions.


Keywords : 3D education, 3d education, 3d science, 3d biology, 3d chemistry, 3d physics, 3d maths, Education, K12 curriculum, Award winning 3D software, 3D software, Education software , Designmate, Eureka, 3D Econtent, Universal curriculum, 3D Stereoscopic content, 3D Learning objects, 3D classroom, 3D animations, Science curriculum, Mathematics curriculum, 3D virtual labs, 3D simulations, 3d interactives, 3D experiments, Learning management system, Mindmap, World summit award, Worlddidac award, eIndia award, 3D videos, Learning objects, Higher education, Secondary curriculum, Middle school curriculum, Learning activity, Best 3d education software, CBSE curriculum, ICSE curriculum, IB curriculum, Local curriculum, IGCSE curriculum, Brazil local curriculum, Arabic local curriculum, Spanish local curriculum, National Common course standards, Streaming video, Best Digital media, Best Digital content, Tethered learning, STEM, Texas curriculum, Pennsylvania curriculum, California curriculum, New York curriculum, Spanish education software, Arabic education software, Portuguese education software, Chinese education software, Russian education software, Russian state curriculum, Chinese state curriculum, 3D history, 3D geography





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Eureka.in-German QRCode-APP點子
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